ٹین ایج میوٹنٹ ننجا ٹرٹلز-teen age ninja

ٹین ایج میوٹنٹ ننجا ٹرٹلز، امریکہ کے ٹنسل ٹاؤن سے پیش کی جانے والی کامک بک اور سپر ہیروز کی کہانیوں اور کرداروں پر مشتمل یا ان کے بارے میں بننے والی موویز کی تازہ ترین کڑی ہے-
انیس سو اسی کی دہائی کی مشہور و معروف کہانی اور اس کے کرداروں کو ایک فیچر فلم کی صورت میں پیش کرنے کی یہ پانچویں کوشش ہے- ڈائریکٹر جوناتھن لائبسمن، جو اس سے پہلے ریتھ آف دی ٹائٹنز اور بیٹل لاس اینجلس جیسی فلمیں ڈائریکٹ کر چکے ہیں، نے اس بار اپنے ناظرین کے لئے مشہور زمانہ ٹین ایج میوٹنٹ ننجا ٹرٹلز کو ایک نسبتاً تازہ انداز میں پیش کیا ہے۔
پھر بھی اگر دیکھا جائے تو مجموعی طور پر وہ نہاہت شاندار انداز اور احتیاط سے تیار کئے جانے والے تباہی و بربادی کے سینز، سپر ہیرو یا ہیروز اور ایک حسینہ والے کامیاب ثابت شدہ فارمولے پر ہی کاربند رہے ہیں-
سکرین شاٹ
سکرین شاٹ
بس فرق صرف اتنا ہی ہے کہ یہاں پر حسینہ نے جنگ اور لڑائی کے سینز میں کپڑے بہت چھوٹے نہیں پہنے- ویسے اس حوالے سے ڈائریکٹر کی تعریف نہ کرنا زیادتی ہی ہوگی کیونکہ یہاں انہوں نے ایسا میگن فاکس (ٹرانسفارمرز) جیسی اداکار کی موجودگی کے باوجود کیا ہے-


ہماری کہانی کمپیوٹر امیجری اور اینیمیشن کی مدد سے دکھائے جانے والے نیو یارک کے بارے میں ہے جہاں چینل 6 کی رپورٹر اپریل اونیل ایک 'فوٹ کلین' کے بارے میں تحقیقات کر رہی ہے جس نے خفیہ طور پر شہر کو اپنے قبضے میں لیا ہوا ہے-
اسی بیچ ایک واقعے کے دوران وہ دیکھتی ہے کہ کچھ عجیب سے کردار 'فوٹ کلین' کا نہ صرف مقابلہ کرتے ہیں بلکہ انہیں مار بھی بھگاتے ہیں- وہ اس واقعے کو اپنے فون کے ذریعے ریکارڈ کرنے کی بھی کوشش کرتی ہے تاہم بدقسمتی سے اس کے فون کی بیٹری اسے دھوکہ دے جاتی ہے اور ثبوت کی عدم موجودگی میں اس کی باس اور اس کے ساتھی اس کی بات کو قبول کرنے سے انکار کر دیتے ہیں-
وہ اپنی کوششیں جاری رکھتی ہے اور جب 'فٹ کلین' ایک سب وے اسٹیشن پر حملہ کرتے ہیں تو وہ وہاں پہنچ جاتی جہاں ہمارا تعارف اپنے ہیروز سے ہوتا ہے جو کہ ایک سائنسی تجربے کی بدولت اب لڑاکو ٹرٹلز بن چکے ہیں جو اپنے گارڈین ماسٹر اسپلنٹر کے ساتھ رہتے ہیں جو کہ خود بھی ایک میوٹنٹ چوہا ہے-
سکرین شاٹ
سکرین شاٹ
اونیل کو یہ بھی پتہ چلتا ہے کہ خود اسی نے اپنے بچپن میں ان سب کی جان اس وقت بچائی تھی جب ان پر ہونے والے تجربے کے بعد اونیل کے والد کی لیبارٹری میں آگ لگ جاتی ہے جس میں خود ان کی جان بھی چلی جاتی ہے- بلکہ حقیقت میں تو اس کے والد نے ہی ان ٹرٹلز اور چوہے پر "رینیسنس" نامی پراجیکٹ کے دوران تجربات کئے ہوتے ہیں اور اسی وجہ سے ان کے نام اٹلی کے نامور پینٹرز کے نام پر رکھے جاتے ہیں-
ایک کا نام ہے مائیکل انجیلو جو کہ بہت مذاحیہ ہے- دوسرا ہے دوناتیلو جو کہ ٹیکنالوجی کا ماہر ہے- تیسرا ہے رافیل جو کہ بہت سخت جان ہے جبکہ چوتھے لیونارڈو میں کوئی ایک خاص خوبی نہیں- ان سب کو ان کے ایک گارڈین، ماسٹر اسپلنٹر نے پالا پوسا اور جوجٹسو سمیت جنگی فنون سے ٹرین کیا ہوتا ہے- ہمیں یہ بھی پتہ چلتا ہے کہ کہ نیو یارک کے موجودہ میئر، ایرک سیکس (Eric Sachs) (ولیم فچنر) ہی اصل میں اونیل کے والد کے پروجیکٹ کے فنانسر تھے جن کے برے ارادوں کی بھنک جب اونیل کے والد کے کانوں میں پڑتی ہے تو وہ اپنی لیبارٹری ہی تباہ کر دیتے ہیں-
ایرک کو 'فٹ کلین' کے روح رواں، شرڈر (توہورو ماسامون) کی مدد بھی حاصل ہے جو کہ ٹرانسفارمرز میں موجود میگاٹرون اور مشہور زمانہ سوئس آرمی نائف کا ایک مرکب دکھائی دیئے- بہت جلد ہی ٹرٹلز کے ٹولے اور اونیل کو یہ بھی اندازہ ہو جاتا ہے کہ ان کے دشمن نیو یارک پر مکمل طور پر قبضہ کرنے کے لئے وہاں ایک خاص قسم کا زہر پھیلانے والے ہیں اور یہاں سے شروع ہو جاتا ہے چوہے بلی کا کھیل- آگے کیا ہوتا ہے یہ ہم آپ پر چھوڑتے ہیں کہ فلم دیکھ کر معلوم کریں-
سکرین شاٹ
سکرین شاٹ
بڑے پیمانے پر تباہی و بربادی اور شہروں پر قبضہ، آج کل ہولی وڈ میں کامیابی کا مںترا بن گیا ہے اور چونکہ یہ ایک مائیکل بے کی پروڈکشن ہے لہٰذا آپ کو اس میں ان چیزوں کی اوور ڈوز ہی مل سکتی ہے- ویسے ڈائریکشن کے اعتبار سے لائبسمین نے ہمیں اپنے فن میں مہارت دکھائی ہے اور کمپیوٹر گرافکس اور اینیمیشن کے معاملے میں اپنی مہارت اور اپنی گرفت سے بخوبی لطف اندوز کرایا ہے-
لولا کارولھو کی سنیماٹوگرافی میں بھی ایک تازگی ہے اور انہوں نے چند ایسے اینگلز سے روشناس کرایا ہے جو کہ عام طور پر اس نوع کی فلموں میں استعمال نہیں ہوتے- ایڈیٹنگ، فلم کی روانی برقرار رکھنے میں مدد کرنے کے ساتھ ساتھ فلم کی کہانی کو بھی جوڑے رکھنے میں معاون ثابت ہوئی ہے (ویسے اس کا یہ مطلب ہر گز نہیں کہ یہاں پر کوئی نئی کہانی پیش کی گئی ہے)-
اداکاری کے حوالے سے میگن فاکس نے، باوجود اس کے کہ ان کے پاس گنجائش زیادہ نہیں تھی، خاصا بہتر کام کیا ہے اور بجا طور پر انہیں فلم کا مرکزی کردار قرار دیا جا سکتا ہے (ویسے یہ جملہ اپنے آپ میں بھی بہت کچھ کہہ رہا ہے)- ٹرٹلز کے کرداز نسبتاً نئے اداکاروں نے انجام دیئے ہیں جن کے نام ہیں ایلن رچسن، نوئل فشر، جیریمی ہوارڈ اور پیٹ پلوسزک اور ان سب کا کام بھی خاصا بہتر ہے-
ویسے کردار نگاری کے حوالے سے بقیہ کاسٹ نے بھی اچھا کام کیا ہے-

فائنل ورڈ

آپ اس فلم کو آسانی سے ایک سمر پاپ کارن بلاک بسٹر قرار دے سکتے ہیں (بس اتنا کیجئے گا کہ پاپ کارن کو اس فلم کے لئے پیزا ہٹ کے پیزا سے تبدیل کر لیں) ویسے مجھے اس وقت بہت حیرت ہوئی جب میں نے نیو یارک کے اس علاقے کے حوالے سے چیک کیا جہاں کے سیوریج میں ہمارے ٹرٹلز رہتے ہیں تو پتہ چلا کہ وہاں پر پیزا ہٹ کا ایک بھی ریسٹورنٹ موجود نہیں)-
فلم کا رن ٹائم 100 منٹ ہے اور اس میں موجود سائی فائی تشدد کی بناء پر ٹین ایج ننجا ٹرٹلز کو پی جی 13 ریٹنگ دی گئی ہے (اور فلم میں آپ کو بھرپور دیکھنے کو ملے گا)-
فلم کے ڈائریکٹر ہیں جوناتھن لائبسمین جبکہ ٹین ایج میوٹنٹ ننجا ٹرٹلز کو پروڈیوس کیا ہے مائیکل بے، اینڈریو فارم، بریڈلے فلر، گیلن واکر، اسکوٹ میڈنک اور این برائس نے- فلم کی پروڈکشن کمپنی نکلوڈین موویز اور پلاٹینم ڈیونز ہیں- اسکرین پلے لکھا ہے جوش ایپلبام، آندرے نیمک اور ایوان ڈوہرٹی نے جو پیٹر لیارڈ اور کیون ایسٹمین کی لکھی ٹین ایج میوٹنٹ ننجا ٹرٹلز سے ماخوذ ہے- سنیماٹوگرافی لولا کارولھو کی ہے جبکہ اسے جوئل نیگرون اور گلین اسکینٹلبری نے ایڈٹ کیا ہے- میوزک دیا ہے برائن ٹیلر نے-

فلم کے ستاروں میں شامل ہیں میگن فاکس، ایلن رچسن، جیریمی ہووارڈ، پیٹ پلوسزک، نوئل فشر، ول آرنٹ، ڈینی ووڈلم، ولیم فچنر، جونی نوکسول اور وہوپی گولڈبرگ-

10 Most Scandalous Dresses in Red Carpet History

Scandalous DressesEven as the shock waves from Rihanna’s recent CFDA appearance in a bare-it-all crystal outfit continue to reverberate throughout fashion circles, we bring you 10 celebs who pushed their way into history books by pushing the boundaries of red-carpet fashion with their scandalous yet iconic appearances.
Toni Braxton Grammys PicturesToni Braxton’s white-hot red carpet appearance at the Grammys 12 years ago is considered scandalous even by today’s standards.
Iron Man 3 Actress
Gwyneth Paltrow
Gwyneth Paltrow shocked the fashion world and started a new craze as she arrived in this sheer black number at the Hollywood premiere of  “Iron Man 3″ on in April, 2013.
Jaimie Alexander Hot
Jaimie Alexander
Following in Gwyneth Paltrow’s footsteps Jaimie Alexander stole the spotlight in this see-through black number at the Los Angeles premiere ‘Thor: The Dark World‘ on November 4, 2013.
J Lo versace dress
Jennifer Lopez
J Lo’s iconic versace dress at the 42nd Grammy Awards in 2010 is still considered one of the most risque outfits to ever grace the red carpet.
Kristen Stewart Red Carpet Dresses
Kristen Stewart
Kristen Stewart decided to clad herself in only nude lace as she arrived at the Los Angeles premiere of “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2″ in November, 2012.
Jean Paul Gaultier Red Carpet Dress
Jean Paul Gaultier
Fergie’s Jean Paul Gaultier orange lace dress at the 2012 Grammys showed off everything including her black two-piece. Inappropriate or iconic?
Erin Wasson Red Carpet Dresses
Erin Wasson
Erin Wasson’s barely existent black dress at the 2012 Golden Globe awards had many in the fashion industry cringing in despair.
Katy Perry Red Carpet Dresses
Katy Perry
Katy Perry’s thoroughly transparent sparkly number at the 2010 MTV Movie Awards propelled her to pin-up status.
Lady Gaga Red Carpet Dresses
Lady Gaga
While we are used to Lady Gaga shocking us with her bizarre fashion statements, this meat dress at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards went a little too far even for her most ardent fans.
rihanna red carpet dresses
However, nothing shocked the world quite like Rihanna’s CFDA dress made up of nothing but thousands of crystals held together. As she walked the red carpet with her entire body on display the world gasped and new that this is a fashion moment that is likely never to be repeated again. But with publicity hungry celebs dying for the tineiest scrap of media coverage we doubt we’ve seen the last of nearly-nude appearances on the red carpet.

10 Most Expensive Celebrity Homes

bill gates houseWhen you are paid a lot for doing your job, you will definitely invest your earnings in something big and expensive. This is exactly what celebrities are doing. They make the most out of their earnings by building mansions, filled with areas and facilities that we don’t normally see in an ordinary home. Given their fame and success in their respective fields, these celebrities have managed to create a majestic place for them to live.
If you are wondering which celebrities have splurged on their abodes, here is a list of the top 10 celebrities with the most expensive homes.

10. Ozzy Osbourne, Hidden Hills, California ($10 million)

Hidden Hills CaliforniaThis Black Sabbath lead singer eventually had his own self-titled reality show. He has also established himself as the Godfather of Heavy Metal. Given the success Ozzy Osbourne has accomplished in his field, he was able to invest in such a huge property in the state of California. This 10,953 square foot home composed of six bedrooms and ten bathrooms definitely deserves a spot in the list.

9. Will Smith, Calabasas, California ($20 million)

Calabasas CaliforniaEveryone knows Will Smith, the “Fresh Prince”, for the success he has achieved in the movie industry. Thus, he was able to invest in such a huge abode composed of basketball courts, golf course, and many other luxuries. The place was so big that it eventually had its own zip code.

8. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Brentwood County, California ($23.5 million)

Brentwood County CaliforniaArnold Schwarzenegger, actor turned politician, reaped the rewards of years of hard work in the entertainment industry. Hence, this 14,500 square-foot mansion in California is definitely one of the most expensive celebrity homes in the world. The Terminator star who became California’s governor really made the most out of his success in the industry.

7. Christie Brinkley, Long Island, New York ($30 million)

Long Island New YorkThis successful supermodel was able to establish a house in Long Island, New York, which has 11 bedrooms and nine bathrooms. There is also an observation deck rising up to 50 feet. Christie Brinkley has indeed made the most out of her earnings as a top model. She was once considered Billy Joel’s “Uptown Girl” and true enough, she now lives in a very extravagant mansion.

6. Jerry Seinfeld, The Hamptons, New York ($32 million)

Jerry Seinfeld Home Hamptons New YorkAfter creating nine seasons of a show that made it big not only in the United States but all over the globe, this guy has made himself rich. Jerry Seinfeld was able to build an elegant house in the Hamptons, thanks to his popular show. In fact, the mansion even has its own baseball field since he was also known as a baseball lover. The show was really a big success that enabled him to acquire such a lovely mansion.

5. Billy Joel, Miami Beach, Florida $35 million

celebrity homeThis house located in an exclusive La Gorce island measures up to 303,310 square feet. The place has its own pier, boat slip, swimming pool, outdoor kitchen, and patio. Even if the overall design seems weird, Billy Joel says he just loves things done that way.

4. Hugh Hefner, Los Angeles, California $54 million

luxury homesHugh Hefner is definitely the envy of many. He seems to have everything one could only ever hope for. He ran a very successful business and acquired a huge mansion in Los Angeles. This eventually became the Playboy Mansion. It has a huge swimming pool, game room, wine cellar, and even tennis courts. It became popular for having beautiful and sexy ladies playing around the mansion every now and then. Of course, the excitement doesn’t end there. The mansion also has its own zoo, aviary, and waterfalls! With all the amenities of Hugh Hefner’s mansion, it may seem like he has everything that one can only dream of having.

3. Oprah Winfrey, Montecito, California ($85 million)

most expensive homesHer very successful Oprah Winfrey show ran from 1986 to 2011. This branded her as the “Queen of Talk”. With all the earnings for being in the industry for over 25 years, Oprah was able to invest in an extremely huge and expensive mansion. Aside from her successful talk show, she has also achieved success with all her endorsements and bestseller books. In fact, anything endorsed by this lady is sure to attract lots of customers resulting in skyrocketing sales.
Her mansion is made of 6 bedrooms, 10 fireplaces, 14 bathrooms, a lake for her exotic fish collection, and her own movie cinema. Despite having such huge investments for herself, Oprah also gives back to others and is known for being so generous. She usually gives freebies to her audiences during her shows. Even if her show has already stopped, it still continues to earn millions from royalty to this day.

2. Bill Gates, Medina, Washington ($147.5 million)

Medina WashingtonBill Gates was once considered a geek, but was able to transform all his nerdy ideas into something that people use in their everyday lives. In fact, he has made lots of money from his billion dollar Microsoft corporation over the years of its operation. With this, he was able to build a house worth $147.5 million. It has a total area of 66,000 square feet and even has its own well-equipped library. Indeed, the once richest man in the world lives in a very fancy mansion. Many other operating systems might have been introduced these days, but being the pioneer in this field, Bill Gates is sure to reap the rewards from it.

1. Aaron Spelling, Los Angeles, California ($150 million)

world most luxury celebrity homeThis television producer has made several TV hits from Charlie’s Angels to Starsky & Hutch, Charmed, Dynasty, Beverly Hills 90210, and Melrose Place. He raked in lots of money out of the huge television success and as a result, he was able to purchase a 56,500 square-foot home. The said mansion has 4 garages and an orchard. It also has a swimming pool, tennis court, skating rink, and a bowling alley. It is said to have a modern gym inside. After huge television hits, garnering positive audience responses one after another, it is no wonder that Aaron Spelling is able to live in a paradise home.

10 Most Beautiful Fashion Models in the World

most beautiful fashion modelsThey say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It can not be denied too that different people have varying perspectives when it comes to defining beauty. However, it can not be completely erased that today’s society looks for certain characteristics from a woman to be able to say that she is beautiful.
The definition of beauty may be different from one person to another but there are still models who are simply adored by the general public. Who among the gorgeous models of today are considered as the ones with the most angelic face? Which female models are winning the hearts of men? What are the names of the models that are regarded as the top idols for the young ladies?
The fashion and modeling industry has an almost endless list of women with gorgeous faces and impressive bodies. Here are the ones who stand out from the rest.

10. Candice Swanepoel

beautiful supermodelCandice Swanepoel cemented her fame in the modeling world when she became one of the most admired models for Victoria Secret. It is not just her face that captured the hearts of the audience and designers. Her gorgeous body completes the overall look.
Interestingly, this lovely lady was born and raised in Natal Province, South Africa. She first ventured into modeling at the age of 15. Currently, the list of designers for whom she modeled for continues to grow. Among the biggest names on her resume include Tommy Hilfiger, Michael Kors, Oscar dela Renta and those are just to mention a few.

9. Carolyn Murphy

American beautyCaroline Murphy embodies the true American beauty. This sultry model was born in the U.S. and raised in Panama City, Florida. At an early age, Carolyn Murphy already took interest in the modeling world. She was enrolled by her mother in a modeling school and landed her first break when she was 16 years old. Her career started out in Florida. Because of her beauty, projects from Japan and Paris were soon being offered to her too.
In 1998, she was recognized as Vogue’s Model of the Year. Among the major names which she has modeled for are Calvin Klein, Estee Lauder, Versace and Tiffany & Co.

8. Lara Stone

famous Dutch modelLara Stone is one of the most famous Dutch models today. She is so beautiful that she landed many projects for prominent designers and brands. Her name was also included on Forbes top earning models because international companies are running after her.
She was born in the Netherlands and grew up in a Dutch town called Mierlo. It was in 2006 when Lara Stone inked her contract with IMG Models, a premiere modeling agency. This kicked off her career and soon she was strutting down the runways for Givenchy and Calvin Klein. It was not long after when she had a spread for Vogue Paris.

7. Constance Jablonski

professional fashion modelConstance Jablonski is not the type of model who had her heart set on modeling since she was young. In fact, she first aimed to become a professional tennis player. For almost a decade, Jablonski was actually competing professionally.
Constance Jablonski is a French Model who was born in Lille, France. It was in 2006 when her modeling career began to bloom and this happened when she joined the French Elite Model Look of 2006.

6. Daria Strokous

talented female modelDaria Strokous has definitely made it big in the modeling industry because of her exceptional beauty. However, her skills and talent do not end there just yet because she is also a photographer and a movie actress.
This Russian model was born in Moscow, Russia but her family eventually moved to Benin, Africa. It is where she grew-up, stayed and had her early education.

5. Sigrid Agren

most sext fashion modelSigrid Agren was born in Martinique, France. She got into the modeling business pretty early because she entered the Elite Model Look in France when she was only 13 years old.
Sigrid Agren may have taken a hiatus for a few years when she decided to pursue higher education first but when she came back to the industry in 2008, she was welcomed with open arms once again. Since then, she has modeled for Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Donna Karan and Yves Saint Laurent.

4. Miranda Kerr

beautiful Victoria SecretIt was in 2007 when Miranda Kerr impressed the world with her beauty. This was the time when she wowed people during the Victoria Secret fashion show.
This lady was born and raised in Australia and she sure knows how to live the traditional Aussie life. As a kid, she knew the ropes of the farm and even rode horses. Interestingly, she grew up to be a very graceful and gorgeous model.

3. Doutzen Kroes

graceful modelThe dreams of Doutzen Kroes to become a professional speed skater may no longer materialize but the world definitely offered her something that is more suitable for her beauty and grace.
Doutzen Kroes was born in Friesland, Netherlands. It was the Paparazzi Model Management in Holland which paved way to her career in New York. Aside from doing Victoria Secret, she was also picked to model for Versace, Valentino and Gucci. She has also appeared on many covers of prominent magazines across the globe.

2. Kate Moss

famous british supermodelKate Moss was born in Surrey, England and has been reigning in the fashion world for years. Her beauty and talent enabled her to land in the list of highest paid models in the world.
When she was 14 years old, she was first discovered and was offered to become a model. Kate Moss made a buzz in the modeling world when she was starting out because she was styled to rebel against the stereotypical supermodel image. During the time when models are aiming for the flawless look and perfect body, she rocked the messy yet fashionable image.

1. Gisele Bundchen

supermodel from BrazilEven tenured models give their salute to this model from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Some would even say that she is the epitome of supermodel for today’s generation. It was in the early 1990′s when Gisele Bundchen gradually became famous as a model. Today, on top of all her modeling achievements, she still managed to add film acting and producing in her list of accomplishments.
There is no doubt that Gisele Bundchen’s face can steal anyone’s heart. Her name is known across the globe and she has definitely gone a long way from being a Victoria Secret model.

Heidi Klum parade in black and bronze sequin dress at America’s Got Talent party

Heidi Klum StyleHeidi Klum has an amazing aptitude for stopping traffic anywhere she goes. The America’s Got Talent judge worked more of that magic as she strutted down the red carpet at the show’s after party in New York on Wednesday.
Heidi Klum Mini DressHeidi, 41, was wearing a belted mini-dress that was sewn with black and dark gold sequins to combine one shimmery effect, and the short hemline allowed generous views of her tanned, toned and long limbs. The bronze colours of her garment blended with the golden streaks of her hair, the huge round earrings, the bangles at her wrist and the decorative gold studs of her manicure.
Heidi Klum LegsA pair of simple yet elegant black platform pumps were the perfect addition and served to compliment her leggy assets even more. ‘Are U watching?’ Heidi teasingly tweeted alongside a promo photo of her, Howie Mandel and Howard Stern. America’s Got Talent is now in its ninth season in quarterfinals stage and the finale is set for September 17.
Heidi, whose show Project Runway is airing its fourth episode on Thursday night, was certainly the fashionista here.

10 Best Photographers in The Fashion World

fashion photographersThe thing with the fashion world is that it’s such a visual and visceral industry. No matter how talented a designer can be at sewing or stitching fabrics together, the end result always has to “look” good. The technique and attention to detail might be flawless, but if it doesn’t jump out to the consumer from a magazine page or catalog, it‘s really all for naught. For this reason, photographers who shoot fashion campaigns and high-end fashion magazine editorials are treasured commodities in fashion. It’s true – a lot of these brands are selling a fantasy, but it’s one that translates into billions of dollars when all is said and done. Here is a list of the top fashion photographers who charge huge sums of money for creating the alluring and stylish images that keep the fashion industry thriving from season to season.

Mario Testino

fashion photographerWhen it comes to the most respected fashion photographers in the world, Mario Testino is certainly at the top of the heap. He has shot numerous magazine covers for high-profile glossies like Vogue and Vanity Fair, and when it comes to the top models in the fashion world, it’s fair to say that he has probably shot them all – Naomi CampbellKate Moss, Gisele Bundchen. He has also captured countless other celebrities too – Lady GagaRihannaBritney Spears, to name a few. In addition to that, he has also shot alluring fashion campaigns for global fashion brands like Gucci, Burberry, Versace, andCalvin Klein. Testoni also has another impressive feather in his cap. He is the photographer of choice whenever the Royal family of England chooses to be profiled in a luxury publication. He shot Princess Diana for Vanity Fair magazine in 1997, and he has photographed the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge Prince Harry and Kate Middleton. Born in Peru, the 59-yr-old Testino actually studied economics in college before he found his true calling.

Bruce Weber

Bruce Weber PicturesBorn in Greensburg Pennsylvania, Bruce Weber is another well-respected photographer with all kinds of amazing accolades to his name.  Weber has shot for the top-tier of fashion publications including Vanity Fair, Vogue, GQ and Interview magazines. He has also been the man behind the camera for fashion campaigns for brands like Calvin Klein, Revlon, Versace and Ralph Lauren. However what Bruce Weber is mostly known for is ultra-sexy, and largely homo-erotic catalogs he created for Ohio-based contemporary brand, Abercrombie and Fitch during the 90’s. These A&F catalogs were so racy that at some malls across America, kids had to show ID before being able to purchase then. Even well into his sixties, Bruce Weber continues to score top profile jobs. He recently shot Hollywood star Jake Gyllenhaal for the latest cover of NYC-based luxury magazine, Man of the World.

Terry Richardson

Terry Richardson PhotographsNYC photographer Terry Richardson is one of those names in fashion that engenders a wide gamut of responses. Some people really like him and respect his talent and others truly hate him and label him as an unabashed creep. Regardless of these opinions, his success as a photographer in the fashion industry can’t be denied. He has shot campaigns for brands like Tom Ford, Diesel, YSL etc and created editorials for GQ, Vogue, Vanity Fair and Harper’s Bazaar. His work is mostly characterized by overtly sexual scenes and nudity that most people think goes too far. He has a strong online presence via his Terry Richardson Diary website, and he often invites celebrities over (Kate Moss, Kate Upton, Jonah Hill, Jared Leto) to take candid, whimsical portraits. Whatever you think about him, Richardson has made millions in the industry and continues to remain relevant in the genre.

Juergen Teller

Juergen Teller PicsGerman photographer Juergen Teller is a highly respected photographer in the fashion industry. In an industry as fickle as fashion, what stands about Juergen is the longstanding relationships he has been able to develop with certain major designers. For example, since 1998, he has been the photographer of choice for all Marc Jacobs fashion campaigns – a truly remarkable feat.  Some of the celebrities he shot wearing Marc Jacobs clothes include Winona Rider, Michael Stipe, Rufus Wainright and more. He has also had similar long-running working relationships with other marquee designers – including Helmut Lang and Vivienne Westwood. Teller’s pictures have a certain knack for capturing a stark reality that really pops off the page. It’s this sixth sense of his that keeps his clients constantly coming back.

Nick Knight

Nick Knight PhotosNick Knight is perhaps the one photographer in this piece that has art credentials that almost exceed his fashion world accomplishments. Knight exists in the realm of the avant-garde and his images are often the product of cutting edge visual technology that result in images that spark and wow the imagination. He has worked with a slew of high-profile brands including Alexander McQueen, Jil Sander, Levi Strauss, Christian Dior, Audi and even Mercedes Benz.  He is also really skilled in shooting video as well. To date he has shot music videos for artistically expressive artists like Bjork and Lady Gaga. Most recently Nick Knight was also the director behind the video for “Bound 2” by Kanye West that featured an apparently topless Kim Kardashian on a motorcycle with the Chicago rapper. (By the way, if you haven’t seen the spoof of this video by Seth Rogen and James Franco, stop what you’re doing and youtube it right now!).

Steven Meisel

Steven Meisel ImagesAnother very important photographer in the fashion industry is the American photographer Steven Meisel. Although he has also shot a plethora of fashion campaigns for brands like Versace, Valentino, Balenciaga and Louis Vuitton, Meisel really came to prominence by shooting a series of covers for both American and Italian Vogue – he reportedly has a great relationship with the magazine’s editors, Anna Wintour and Franca Sozzani. Meisel is also regarded as being influential in really boosting the careers of several big name models: Naomi Campbell, Christy Turlington, Amber Valetta, Lara Stone and Keren Elson. He has also shot album covers for pop music stars like Madonna and Mariah Carey.

Mario Sorrenti

Mario Sorrenti GalleryMario Sorrenti is a NYC based photographer and director with a lot of influence in the both the fashion and music industry. He was born in 1971 in Naples, but his family relocated to NYC when he was 10-yrs-old. Sorrenti has shot several top-tier models for magazines like Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar.
He was also the talented lensman behind the sexy, iconic images of Kate Moss for the Calvin Klein Obsession perfume ads.  In the music realm, he has shot album covers for Shakira, soul singer Maxwell , and in 2013, he shot talented Canadian rapper Drake for a covershoot in GQ magazine.

Inez & Vinoodh

Inez with Vinoodh photosAsk any romantic couple who work together how they do it, and they’ll probably tell you that it’s a really tricky balance to pull off. Somehow the same feelings that make a personal relationship work don’t quite work on a professional level. With that said, Dutch photography couple Inez Van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin have been working together since 1986, and are one of the most requested  photography teams in the fashion industry.
The artistic couple has photographed editorials and cover shoots for magazines like Vanity Fair, Harper’s Bazaar, L’Uomo Vogue, Purple Fashion, Interview and V Magazine. They are especially talented in creating stellar advertising campaigns for brands like Jean Paul Gaultier, Gucci, Chloe, Balenciaga and Yojhi Yamomoto, Chanel, Roberto Cavalli, Stella McCartney  and Louis Vuitton. The Dutch couple originally met at Amsterdam Academy of Fashion Design and they are currently based in NYC.

Mert & Marcus

Mert Marcus photographersThe second photography duo featured in this piece is Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott. Both of them were born in 1971 and their work is known for a glossy, futuristic and very sleek look. They came from two different angles of the fashion industry; Mert was a photo modeler and Marcus was an assistant photographer.  However, when they joined forces, the images they created were truly fantastic. To date, they have created striking visuals for publications like LOVE Magazine, Vogue, Interview, Arena and more. As far as their fashion label clients for ad campaigns, some of those include Missoni, Miu Miu, Roberto Cavalli, Gucci, Givenchy and Lancome.

Annie Leibovitz

Leibovitz Annie American portrait photographerThere’s no other way to say it – Annie Leibovitz is a true photography icon. The 64-yr-old Connecticut native has created some of the most beautiful portraits that have ever been captured on the printed page. In the 1970s, she did a lot of work for Rolling Stone magazine including the timeless nude embrace shot of John Lennon and Yoko Ono for the magazine’s cover. In more recent times, she has done some stunning work for Vanity Fair including the pregnant cover shot of Demi Moore, unforgettable shots of Lady Gaga for both Vogue and Vanity fair, and she also photographed President Barack Obama and the first family at the White House. But perhaps you may have heard her name in the news lately because of this: The April 2014 issue of Vogue magazine featuring Kanye West and Kim Kardashian just dropped (with pictures of their daughter inside) – and guess who shot it? And the answer is … The One & Only Annie Leibovitz.